Why Agencies Become Crazy Places to Work

Feel like your agency is borderline crazy, with people flying back and forth, priorities changing, work never done well enough, and clients never happy enough?

And do you, at the same time, almost improbably, find yourself loving the continuous challenge, juggling, and innovation required to keep the lights on, even though it’s hard to get home at a reasonable hour and the stress is wearing on your teams?

As paradoxical as that sounds, you’re not crazy, and you’re in good company. In working closely with hundreds of creativity- or innovation-driven agencies, all of them would say “That’s us!” Agencies are fascinating organizations, where chaos is king, and naturally occurs as a result of the style of business, the processes, the work products, the types of customers.

In this 45-minute informative, interactive webinar, Jack Skeels, CEO of AgencyAgile, will use learnings from more than 200 agencies and other chaotic organizations to inform:

  • The three types of natural organizational chaos that agencies experience
  • How creativity and chaos are connected
  • Why project management can seem futile in an agency
  • Who has the hardest job in an agency

How Poor Scoping & Handoffs Fuel Agency Burnout

Agencies create their own misery, often despite their best intentions. Agency life feels like an endless struggle to deliver, with angry deadlines shouting from every direction. Some will argue that this is just the way things will always be. In reality, a hidden fear of failure drives irrational moves by agencies that make things worse, much worse. We’ve uncovered a critical set of “broken assumptions” that befuddle agency managers and leaders both, deepening burnout and squandering budgets.

In this 45-minute informative, interactive webinar, Jack Skeels, CEO of AgencyAgile, will use learnings from more than 200 agencies and other chaotic organizations to inform:

  • The broken assumptions behind scope-driven burnout
  • Who should really own scope, why and when
  • Three reasons why and how scope conversations and briefs typically fail
  • Why traditional project and scope management techniques make things worse

Understanding Scope: Who Owns it, Why it is Challenging, and Separating Value Versus Cost.

Agencies create their own misery, despite their best intentions. Agency life feels like an endless struggle to deliver, with angry deadlines shouting from every direction. Some argue that this is just the way things will always be. In reality, hidden fear of failure drives irrational moves by agencies that make things worse, much worse.

As a preview into Jack Skeel’s, CEO of AgencyAgile, new book Unmanaged, gain invaluable insights applied to over 200 organizations trained by AgencyAgile.

We'll uncover a critical set of “broken assumptions” that befuddle agency managers and leaders, deepening burnout and squandering budgets.

In this fast-moving 30-minute webinar, we'll uncover and discuss:

  • The broken assumptions behind scope-driven burnout
  • Who should really own scope, why and when
  • Why the way you sell should not drive the way you deliver
  • Three reasons why scope conversations and briefs often fail
  • Why traditional project and scope management techniques make things worse

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